Many aircraft pilots take photographs of aircraft that they see in their travels while employed as pilots, whether in the Canadian "bush" as I was or with the big scheduled airlines . I want to share those pictures with those who have not had the opportunity for one reason or another . The time frame is 1962 through 2012 .I thought the only way was by giving my aviation life' story (3 log books,406 X 35mm slides, photo print albums) to the BC Aviation Museum in Sidney,BC ! I live on a sailboat with limited space . The museum only had space for the 3 log books in their library The museum appreciated having my collection ; but ,also didn't have storage space [of all the items the museum has received over the years , my picture collection is the first covering such a span of years]. I am indebted to one of the museum's volunteers who spent many hours to scan those slides into the museum's computer , and put on a USB stick for my use. . I began showing the "stik's photos to people I thought might be interested ? I was very fortunate to be introduced to a new friend who by co-incidence is an international photographer. He suggested my collection should be shown to a bigger audience via the world wide web!!! Many pilots are not able to share their aircraft photos , I am grateful & hope you will enjoy some of what I experienced . If anyone discovers errors in any of my descriptions , please e-mail a note so I can correct .

Thank you.